It’s never been easy for me 我有太多困難
To find words that go along with a melody 找不到歌詞搭配旋律
But this time there’s actually somthing on my mind 不過這次我是真心真意
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines 請你們原諒我寫出這麼簡短笨拙的歌詞

Since I met you my whole life has changed 自從遇見你之後我的人生全改變了
It’s not just the furniture you re-arranged 不只是因為你把我的傢具移位
I was living in the past 而是當我一直活在過去
But somehow you brought me back 你將我帶回現在的生活
And I havn’t felt like this since before Frankie said relax 我已經太久沒有這種感覺了

And now I know based on my track record 雖然我曾經喜歡惹花捻草
I may not seem like the safest bet 看起來一點也不可靠
All I’m asking you is 這是我唯一的請求
Don’t write me off just yet 請不要這麼快地將我遺忘

For years I’ve been telling myself the same old story 這些年來我一直自欺欺人
That I’m happy to live off my so called former glories 活在過去的榮耀麻木不仁
but you’ve given me a reason to take another chance 但是你給了我生活的原因跟重新開始的機會
now I need you despite the fact 我真的需要你
that you’ve killed all my plants 雖然你害死了我的盆栽
and now I know 我當然知道
i’ve already blown more chances 我錯過大好機會
than anyone should ever get 也沒有資格請求你回來
all I’m asking you is 這是我唯一對你的請求
don’t write me off just yet 請不要這麼快地將我遺忘
don’t write me off just yet 請不要這麼快地將我遺忘


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